LZW ★★★★★ Qualität: 24 Jahre Erfahrung ★ Zertifizierte Sicherheit ★ Neueste Technologie ★ TOP-Ergebnisse ★ Chefarztbehandlung ★ Qualifiziertes Fachpersonal

Laser Eye Surgery at the LZW. Safe. Gentle. Fast.

Register now for a suitability check and soon you’ll see the world with new eyes. Thanks to LASIK or lens exchange: Highly precise, painless, gentle. For a life without glasses and contact lenses. We look forward to seeing you: 0611 / 360 220

Welcome to LZW LaserZentrumWiesbaden.

For over 20 years, I have been your personal contact in Wiesbaden for perfect vision.
Did you know that within just a few minutes you can get rid of your annoying glasses or contact lenses – on an outpatient basis and pain-free? At the LZW, we offer you a detailed, exclusive consultation and individual care, state-of-the-art high-tech technologies, as well as the most gentle treatment methods currently available.

We are an independent, autonomous private clinic where I personally advise and operate on you as Chief Physician. Our patients trust my decades of experience and my competent, caring team.

Our services include refractive lens replacement, Femto-LASIK, cataract surgery, eyelid surgery and much more. Even if you initially only need a specialist recommendation, call me or schedule an appointment. I look forward to meeting you.

Dr. Beate Steinhorst
Clinic Director, Specialist in Ophthalmology

With us you’ll see the world through new eyes!

Next free information evening at the LZW: February 19th 2025, Wednesday 6:30 pm
Pre-registration by telephone required. T 0611-360220 or info@lasik-wiesbaden.de

Open: Mo + Wed 8 – 7 pm, Tue + Thu 8 – 6 pm, Fr 8 – 5 pm, Sa by appointment

LZW LaserZentrum Wiesbaden

Do you find your glasses or contact lenses annoying? Then choose Femto-LASIK at the LZW: laser eye surgery, fast, painless, gentle and highly precise.

LZW LaserZentrum Wiesbaden

From 45+ onwards, enjoy life without reading/varifocal glasses: Presbyopia can easily be lasered away – with the SUPRACOR method at the LZW.

Lens exchange

Seeing clearly again in old age is no problem. With individual lens surgery at the LZW: lens replacement with premium lenses, AddOn lenses or cataract surgery.

LZW LaserZentrum Wiesbaden

A regular eye check provides security and preserves vision. Dr. Beate Steinhorst will be happy to treat and advise you in a private consultation.

Eyelid surgery

Do you want to look younger, fresher and more radiant? An aesthetic, plastic surgery eyelid correction or correction of drooping eyelids at LZW can make this possible. Treat yourself to modern wellness.


We take care of you personally and offer you comprehensive services: Weekend LASIK, transfer and hotel service, customised financing options and much more.

How to get to LZW, e. g. from Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Bad Homburg, Mainz, Koblenz, Limburg

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LZW LaserZentrum Wiesbaden / Private Clinic for Laser Eye Surgery
Friedrichstraße 34, (Entrance im Kirchenreulchen)
65185 Wiesbaden
(Near Bonifatiuskirche, P&C, GALERIA / KARSTADT)

Tel +49 (0) 611-360 220, Fax +49 (0) 611-3602210, info@lasik-wiesbaden.de

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